We're doing our best to minimise our
environmental impact. Here are a few of our initiatives.
Trees Not Tees
For all the events where we include a t-shirt, we're now offering the option to plant a tree instead. We've partnered with
Treesnottees.com to make this happen.
Avoiding Single Use Plastics
We use paper cups designed to be fully recycled back into high grade paper.
Medals now optional
We know quite a lot of competitors are not interested in finishers medals so they are now optional. We make a £2 charity donation for every medal not selected.
Swim hats on request
We still supply swim hats for our open water swim events as they help the water safety teams keep track of swimmers. However for all our pool events, swim hats are now on request to reduce wastage.
Zip Ties & waste
We only use reusable zip ties. We minimise single use plastics & sort rubbish for recycling after our events.
Food is not wasted
For events, such as our cycling sportives, where we're know for our excellent feed stations, all left over food goes to the local foodbank.
Reducing Car use
In Devon where most of our events take place this is easier said than done. However at our Burrator 10K running race we offer a £5 discount to anyone who commits to walking or cycling to the event. We'll be looking to add this to other events in the future.
To read more about our
sustainability policies read our article