South Hams Triathlon Sell out in Record Time

In only its second year the South Hams Sprint Triathlon sold out three months early. The organisers Ben Tisdall & Stewart Bergman took the decision to limit numbers to 300 mainly because the runners have to cross the bikes to access the Run. Ben Tisdall said...

Duathlon Run Takes to the Gardens.

We had an overwhelmingly positive response to the new run routes for the 7th Dartington Duathlon on Sunday 20th March. For the first time we had permission to take the runs through the Dartington Hall Gardens.  They provided a great back-drop to the event and also...

The First Ever Dartington Duathlon Race Report

Despite the cold (2C) , blustery conditions nearly 150 duathletes took to the start line at the inaugural Dartington Duathlon on Sunday, March 24th 2013 18 year old Chris Perham took an early lead in the initial 5km run and came into transition (T1), in 17:04, nearly...